Corporate Team Building Done Right

It’s always fun to see the different ways companies come up with to do a team building event or meet and greet event. I’ve photographed cook outs, fancy dinners, extravagant parties with live animals and face painting, (yes, that really happened) private concerts, boat rides, golf, baseball games, stadium tours, wine tasting….basically, many different things. Team building activities, as well as meet and greets, are vital to improving the future progress for a company. Employees learn to understand each other’s strengths, weaknesses, and interests, as well as meeting new (and old) people they’ve never seen face to face before. In learning these characteristics in others, it helps employees work on projects that involve teamwork, expands their networking base, and gives their job a personal side.
Out of all the events I’ve photographed, this past summer had some of the best team building/meet and greets I’ve seen! They strayed away from the cliche and boring and went with things that were meaningful and out of the box.
The first of the three events I’m going to showcase was about building an outdoor environmental learning center for one of the Minneapolis schools. About 60 people worked alongside HandsOn Twin Cities and the U.S. Green Building Council. They were divided into groups to work on part of the classroom. One group worked on building an arbor, one moved wood chips for the walkway, a few groups dug up dirt and laid stones for a rock river, multiple groups worked in the gym to build benches, there was a tiny bridge that was constructed, a Little Library, and also concrete pavers decorated with the schools letters. Everyone looked like they were having a great time! When it was all done, they had a beautiful outdoor classroom for a school that was in need.

The second event was an opening party/meet and greet, held at Brit’s Pub downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota. If you haven’t heard of the place before, you should look it up. It’s an amazing location! They have a huge lawn on top of the roof, in the middle of the city. It’s not just any lawn but specifically used for lawn bowling.
I had never been to an event where I got to see business people in their suit and ties, trying to look professional while walking around either bare foot or wearing crazy socks in the grass. Something about that idea just sounds strange to me. I loved it!

The third event was so Minnesotan it makes me laugh. Yes, it involves doing something in the cold and on the ice, curling. Honestly, I’ve never done real curling. Kicking a small rock across the frozen pond in my backyard would be as close as I’ve ever gotten. After watching the coaches teach all the newbie curlers, I have a new found respect for the sport of curling. It looks really, really hard! There were many people falling down. I can only imagine the bruises people had the next day. But, even though many fell, not one person looked upset. They all looked like they were having the best time ever!