Photoshoot at a Boxing Studio
This past week my husband decided I needed a break. So, in his amazingness, he bought me a plane ticket to visit my girlfriend in Arizona and kicked me out of the house for a week. Yes, he definitely wins the ‘Husband of the Year’ award!
Whenever I’m in Arizona, my girl and I always come up with really random and fun things to do. This time around, she decided that I needed to join her in her studio. So, the first day we went to the boxing studio, where she had me take a class with her.

I used to do kickboxing when I was in school, so the concept was still embedded in my head somewhere. I loved to hit and kick things!! This class unfortunately didn’t go so well for me. 10 minutes into class my blood sugar (I’m diabetic) dropped and I couldn’t do anything but watch, and try not to pass out. Oh well. I got to see how she performed though. It amazed me! I asked if we could come back in a couple of days and do a photoshoot in the ring with her trainer. They were both up for it, and so it went on our crazy calendar.

Photoshoot day arrived and I was pumped!!! We joked with her trainer before we got there that he should ‘pretty himself up’ for photos. Evidently, he took us seriously and brought in his gear to spar with her. So awesome!! Her trainer is this super chill Irishman who could beat the $h!t out of anyone. If I wanted to take classes again and lived in Arizona, I would sign up with him.
I’ve never photographed a boxing session before. I knew what to expect though from watching during class. It didn’t take long to figure out when to take the shot for the best angle. Also, thank goodness for a fast shutter speed! Boxing moves happen fast!

I was thrilled with the final results from the photoshoot!! I would love to photograph an actual match someday! I’ve added that goal to my bucket list of ‘Things I Will Photograph Before I Die’.