Emerging Artist Award
I’m so excited! I’ve never done much with my personal photography but was encouraged to see what I could do with it. I decided to try my luck at applying for an Emerging Artist Award from the Central Minnesota Arts Board and the McKnight Foundation. Artists are invited to apply for this award once each year in February. A panel of six arts professionals reviews and scores each application individually. Applications with the highest average score are recommended to the CMAB Directors for awards.
The process of applying was a little scary. You have to put together a portfolio of your best stuff, write an informative description of the how, why, when, and what of each piece. Then write an essay on you, your style, why you do what you do, and more. So, basically, I had to explain why I create the art that I do. Which, if you are an artist too, is really difficult, and very personal. Putting your art out there opens you up to critique that can be hard to hear. Will they like it? Will they think I’m crazy? Will they understand it? Will they hate it? Will they, will they, will they…..? Just jump off that cliff and find out. Easy? Right? For some, I’m sure it is. But if you’re anything like me, showcasing my personal side can be nerve wracking.
Receiving this award, helps me to understand that my personal art is viewed as worthy in others eyes. It makes me excited to try out more photography ideas, and see if I can do something with those pieces outside of just hiding them on my computer.
So, who’s in for being a part of some more creative ideas my brain comes up with? It’s time to start making these ideas come to fruition!